Tuesday 22 March 2016


 Slide 1 : Welcome to my  introduction slide  on a software called  powerpoint that  I've been using to do my presentation on and I have been showing this PowerPoint  to my tutor so I could get feedbacks on my final piece  and the  presentation I have created. I have  decided to put a little preview of  my latest  comic design  in the  background. I  only put  it on one slide not on  the other 12 slides  I've created . This is one of my favorite zombies sketch and it will show in  my comic design.

 Slide 2: These are  my research slides.  I have been picking  some of my favorite research  that has been  inspiring me on my blog post  and I have put them into my PowerPoint slide. The research I have got makes me like it  because they had the most detail and it as the  most inspiring for me, it   could have help me with my  final design ideas .I have used  bullet points, so I could ask question and  I would know what I'm  talking about . It shows that I could answer them and know what I am talking about.

Slide 3 :These are my production slides  and I have been using  6 slides because I have done   3 designs for my final piece which I have been working really hard on for last couple of weeks.The sketches are little bit faint because of the scanner I have been using in the  library and it as been  stretched  to this size because it  wouldn't be able to put  the other work on the slides and it would make  me do more work that I should of done.
Slide 4 :This slide shows the  characters in full colour  and again  I have been using  bullet points. It has shown  good detail of the characters design  which I  really  liked.

Slide 5 : This is my weapon design slide.It looks good but the sketches could have been  shown a lot better. It could of been down to the  scanner  I have been using  and  it was a A3 scanner  in the library and it is a old scanner.I should have put more stages on the sword but I have forgotten  to do it   which I am  kicking myself for doing.

 Slide 6: This is my  character sheet design and it has  shown both of my main characters. It shows the   body position,head shots and weapon design but I should have changed the slide background to black because it would have reflected the  character sheet design a lot better and  it wouldn't  look like it was  glued to the  background on the slides which I didn't want it to do.
Slide 7  : It shows the development in my comic design. I had  to shrink them  down so I could fit the other design on to the slide.It shows how I could  progress for the future  and which part to  practice.  I'm  going to do my drawing  daily from  now on so  I could get better for the next   course as it makes it look a lot better for my work.

 Slide 8 : This goes with the other slide (7). I have put some  bullet points of what  tools I have been using  for my comic scripts.
Slide : Same with slide 8&7 .

 Slide 10 : It  is showing  my poster design but it is  only the  development and  not my final design. I have  shown it on  a piece of paper because I do not have the  room on my slides and I don't want to remove any as they are good development progress .PowerPoint  should have a tool where I could make my  slides  bigger, so I could of fit  all my design on to one slides.

Slide 11 : It shows what I think about my work and I have checked  my grammar as it did  not look right before.
slide 12 : My peer Feedback
Slide 13 : All of my design.

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