Thursday 17 March 2016

research on theme

I am going to do my theme about zombies because I am interested in Zombie related film because I love the blood and gore as well fighting for survival .I have watched The walking dead I'm at the began of t season 6. In this unit, I'm going to do 51 blogs so I can get higher grade  then my last units.

Zombie films began in 1932  but  they aren't ex-stream like they are now with the blood and gory stuff. Zombie can also be related to Ghoul  what are similar with Zombies but they have their differents.

Zombie is  American Pop culture, for me sound weird and odd  but American is like that so yeah.

It first appeared in Haiti in the 17th and 18th centuries, when the country was known as Saint-Domingue and ruled by France, which hauled in African slaves to work on sugar plantations. Slavery in Saint-Domingue under the French was extremely brutal: Half of the slaves brought in  

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Zombie came out 1968  by George Romero what was B-Movie In that day but I think it is different class nowadays.

There is some speculation that the word derives from West African languages – nd zombi means ‘corpse’ in the Mitsogo language of Gabon, and Zambia means the ‘spirit of a dead person’ in the Kongo language. These were the areas where European slaves forcibly transported vast numbers of the population across the Atlantic to work on the sugar cane plantations of the West Indies, the vast profits of which motored the rise of France and England to world powers. The Africans took their religion with them. However, French law required slaves to convert to Catholicism. What emerged was a series of elaborate synthetic religions, creatively mixing elements of different traditions: Vodou or Voodoo in Haiti, Obeah in Jamaica, Santeria in Cuba.
The zombie, in effect, is the logical outcome of being a slave
What is a zombie? In Martinique and Haiti, it could be a general term for spirit or ghost, any disturbing presence at night that could take myriad forms. But it has gradually coalesced around the belief that a bokor or witch-doctor can render their victim apparently dead – either through magic, powerful hypnotic suggestion, or perhaps a secret potion – and then revive them as their personal slaves, since their soul or will has been captured. The zombie, in effect, is the logical outcome of being a slave: without will, without name, and trapped in a living death of unending labour

I think the history very shocking as I thought zombie means Undead and it changes my thoughts about it .

I have written some myself,but I have copied , because I felt shouldn't change them around at all.

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