Tuesday 22 March 2016

develop character (in Illstartor )

This his surya head shots showing different exsperssion and desiding  which is the better drawing out them for my  comic that i'm doing for my final majyor project. I like them all as i think they're all unquie sketchs and show differnet   expserssion on each  character in  my sketch .I have notic I have messed one bread on one head but I have added it back in photoshop which I be telling in another blog because this is my sketchs blog. I say the  3rd and 4th is my favourite , the 3rd one looks really determine   to fight and makes it look like the surya has different personaily  in each shot and the 4th I like big grins as I think it the best drawing out of the headshot.
This is when the body and head shot combination which I am proud of but I think should done better on the sideview and backview as I don't think as good as my front view but hopefully it might look good in full colour.On the backview Surya look small then sideview and frontview I should used a  sketch out ruler on the image.Iwill be adden is sword to the character sheet as well but I be colouring the sword  before I add it on the character sheet because so It would messed my design up for the charater , but the character looks old what he looks but  you do get these kind of people theses days as it can related to that suggestwised with people juging other people looks.
This my other character tsuki which is the character my favourite drawing as I found my unquie style of  art. The head in colour as been remove because I change my design abit because the red doesn't suit with the whole character and I have decide green as makes more of a warror in my character design,I think this is better then my surya 's character sheet as it had better drawing on the character .The bow arrow as been done on different blog with stages on it aswell which be coming up in a another blog .I have  re orangnizde the head around as I didn't like the drawing I did in my  frist sketch because some where kind of lazy sketches and didn't fit right with the proper sketchs on the sheet.They was  on sepera paper  before I then add them into one sheet  because I didn't want  to put my sketches on big  papaer as it would took me longer to draw on in illstartor and on paper.In the software I have used pencil tool and the size tools so I could get the right pencil size

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