Tuesday 22 March 2016

Illstartion and grapthic design (zombie)

link: http://jimmyaquino.typepad.com/jimmys_juke_joint/2008/03/
by:Ethan Nicolle & Chumble Spuzz,
 I like this but   think the horse looks creepy as it shouldn't be in the  sketch  at all. The drawing don't look that  good.  The  guy on the left  has a big nose that is kind of bothering  me because the nose  looks like a mushroom and the teeth  aren't connected to the gum and it is more connected  on the beard.
Link: http://clipart.me/human-people/scary-zombie-face-vector-graphics-26425
by: Unknown artist

I like this because it shows a really good zombie which  is scary to look at but  could have made the zombie gorier because the blood is too flat and needs some shades  and highlights in the gorier parts of the character.The ear on the side view head needs  working on as it does not look like an ear  as it looks more like  a rock stuck on the head.

by:Rob Sacchetto 
I like this because it is the good realistic zombie and It looks like the zombie has  got the  plague  infection .I think they should have some more  blood stains on the  zombie  because it hasn't got enough   blood , but  I do the like muscle  ripped out on the left side of his  face   as I  found it  unique and different from other zombies I have seen in the past.I think they should remove the  glasses as it would have  made it  scarier than it is .
Link :http://stickerobot.com/blog/interviews/10-questions-with-hydro74/
I like this as it  reminds me of a surrealistic artwork with the bird on top of the  zombies head.I like the blue and yellow colour as it makes it really different from the skin tone colours and it makes the piece  different.I think the eyes should have been done better as it looks like coins in his  eyes.
Link :http://www.bloodyloud.com/tag/illustration/page/3/
by:Albert Montoya

I found this really scary because  it has no eyes  and you only can see the brain and that is  one of the most things that I hate about seeing raw brains.It looks like the zombie has died in space because of  the helmet which  looks rusty and old as it is from the  1980's kind of era.
Link: http://www.flylanddesigns.com/category/instagram/page/5/
by: Brian Allen
I like this because it has a  cartoons kind of look with  gory detail that is  aimed  at adults instead of  kids. I like the drawing itself but not  the background as they could have done a lot better in  the background as it looks like its from the victorian times or the beginning of the 1900's century.

link http://www.flylanddesigns.com/category/instagram/page/5/
by: spoon Graphic
I don't like the  drawing because it isn't much zombie-like because it looks like a demon .
Link :http://hu.123rf.com/clipartok-vektorokt/p%C3%B3l%C3%B3.html
by :unknow ( cannot understand )
I like this a lot as its got a message  towards the sketch of the Zombie monkey.I like the patterns underneath the monkey  because it shows the light and darks  shades of the leaves very well.
Link: https://bofadesign.wordpress.com/tag/butterfly/
posted :Bofadesign
I like this because it shows a different gender of the zombie because it is more men than women  zombies.I like the colour coding on the zombie as the Artist  stick to 2-5 colours on the piece of work, the hair colour is a smilar colour to a holes colour what is on  the face.
Link : http://www.skeptic.com/podcasts/monstertalk/11/05/11/
by: Jeff Zornow
I like this piece of work  because the zombie is very zombie like and I like the blood stains in the background as it is very spooky for the zombies.I can still see the sketches on the hair unless it is part of the hair colour so I do not know much about it. The red vein  on the zombie's head should have had a  more a   deeper vein.
Link: http://el-grimlock.deviantart.com/art/PAC-ZOMBIE-296430298
by: el-grimlock
I like this because it reminds me of Pac-man because of the   zombie eating the brains. I think this would have made a good game because it would be popular game .The zombie itself reminds me of Attack on titan (Anime series) because of the eye colour and the eye style on the zombie  as well has the stretchy skin on the mouth.
Link : http://lee-howard-art.deviantart.com/art/Vegan-Zombie-Quick-Sketch-333708050
by: Lee-Howard-Art
I have found the shirt funny because you never going to  have  a vegan zombie because they are brainless humans that are  only good at  eating  humans.The drawing of the zombie is  good but the flys around the zombie should be removed because they don't look that  realistic, I also think they should have  done better .
link : http://www.drugmetal.ru/blog/tyazhelie_kartinki/28756.html
byJohn Sumrow
I like this zombie because it is kind of hip-hop kind of zombie the way he his leaning of the ground.I like the blue and orange effect but  the  white should have been a more dirty colour because the skull isn't going to be  white when we get buried .I like the green shades on the grey background as it makes it different from the forward shading.

Link : http://www.dravenstales.ch/matt-pepplers-horror-und-monster/
by :matt pepplers
I like this because it is re-edited from the original version of the world war 1  .The drawing of the zombie looks more cyborg like  then it is a zombie like.
link : https://blakebradyartwork.wordpress.com/2011/02/
by Black brady
I think this comes from a Comic because the way it is sketched out  and the way it is  shaded in like a comic design.The drawing as been done in photoshop because of  the shading .I like the mould skin  crumbling off the body.
link : http://thefreshdoodle.deviantart.com/art/Walker-272178959

I like this because it as been drawn really well and the blood dripping off the chin makes it really  creepy . It looks like the zombie is  ready  to attack you out of nowhere.The scribble in the background should  have been removed from the  background as  it would make it better.
Link : https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/388083692865397318/
by: Tony Moore
I like this piece of work because it looks like it's been off a game.I like the guts coming out of the zombie's stomach .The colours of the zombie and background  make the zombies spooky.
Link : http://coloneltonymoore.com/covers/
by Tony Moore

I like this because it is really gory but not too much gore that will make you  vomit.This has been done in photoshop because of the shading on the clothes as with the  leftover sketches, that are still remaining on the image.I think clothes need more reflection on  the clothes because some are flat.

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