Tuesday 22 March 2016

comic fonts research

By:Marta Genes

I like these fonts because they are big and bold .I like how  the artist shows he/she style of  fonts  on each letter and number. I think they  should have  done a lower case  font as well  because it makes  the audience more intrested.
By: Unknow
I like these fonts because  it has shown  two different languages with in the letters .I think they are lending forward too  much and because it is  to closed in together and it reminds me  of the simpson's logos .I like the "U" letter as it remind me of a  eye.
Link: https://uk.pinterest.com/kesorenson1/superhero-class-party/

I like this font because it is  very big for my eyes and I love the pop art culture, 
I have also found  this  very  unquie.
I can  tell it  has been  used  in photoshop because I can see someone using the pen tool and  the 
Anchor tool so they could  stretch out the letters, so it could  make it look  bigger and bolder.
I also like the dotted background but I think it should have been  done  in a different colour scheme 
 as I don't think it  fits with the font idea.

Link: http://www.idrawdigital.com/2009/11/tutorial-lettering-techniques/

I like the different style of the font designs and they are different from the black and white version of the font style. I like the "Seven swordsmen font " as I found it more of a manga style .I think the outline colour should have been more suited to the  letter,because it would have made it  look a lot better.I don't like GlassJaw and Lowrider as they are too much,  and they not my kind of fonts.

by:Ezeqviel Ergo

I like this font as its kind of funky and cool.
Link: http://www.penciljack.com/forum/showthread.php?48660-Lettering-Sound-FX-Examples

These comic fonts are really  cool but they have shown it in a  different style for each of the fonts.My favourite is the "matchstick and Skraash" as they are really eye catching to look at.
By: Fjalla by Sorkin Type Co

This looks like a noir or a pop art  kind of a font style because it looks like its from this kind of  era . I think the text looks  personal because they add someones address as if it should not be on there at all.

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