Tuesday 22 March 2016


 This is before I did my survey into  MonkeySuvery so I could check on my grammar and spelling .

2 weeks ago (Before)

After 2 weeks 
I have got a better results this time and  I am happy with it  my own survey .

This is the  latest  people who have done my survey . 
 These are  the  first people who did my survey.( 2 parts as I could not  get the full screenshots)
In my suvery there was more female response then they was male response. 
My age didn't went well because 2 people skip the question on my survey.
Most of the   was 18 to 24 and I think did mistake on this because I notice 16 not on there.

 I am suparised people like zombies  and nobody skipped the question.

 I like people answer and some was funny . It give me ideas for my comic which I am doing in my FMP piece .
 These are my other result

 I'm going to do my poster in portrait by looks of it.
 Bottom reseluts :
some people disagree and some agree but I am going to look throught before I'm going to do My character sheets in the  furture.

 Top ressults

 This would help descide which background going to go with my zombie poster.The abandon building got the most votes out  of the  suvery so I be doing the abandon building.
 Bottom results:
 Top results

This helping me what kind of zombies should I create and I found them ninstresting because then I can decide which is the better anser.
Looks like I'm going to do sword and bowing arrow because it got more result and I be drawing something new for my project

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