Tuesday 22 March 2016

character design sheet (part 2 : Games )

Link : http://vk.com/wall-42880528_4344
By : Hideo Kojima
Game : Metal gear Rising
Character : Senator

I hated the character Senator because I feel the way he thinks is wrong and he could do better in that he could  use his power for good instead of evil . The design is  from the game itself and I 've only got a few of them and still need  to collect more .  I like  it because it shows the dark side with the  light side of the  character because its showing before he absorbed the metal gear into his body and the after effect. I like how it shows very  little detail but  it still shows how strong the guy is.

By:BungieDave PottingerChris Haluke
Game : Halo 5
 I don't like this character because it looks like a working  progress and it  does not show much detail.
ByHideo Kojima
Game: Metal gear rising

I found that you really didn't get to know the  character Monsoon,  unlike Sundower and Jet Stream Sam for some reasons.I do like the design of Monson because I found it unique from the  other character designs.I liked how he  shows the unmasked,  because you don't see it in the game.I find it creepy because  the character looks more like an  alien  cyborg more than human cyborg due to the  eyes

by: Hideo Kojima
game :Metal soild gear 4

Raging raven was one  of the  easiest  boss's out of the game because it took me 20mins to defeat while the others took me 1-2 hr gaming time to defeat .I don't like the design a lot because it could have been  done a lot  better has it doesn't look like Raven. 

By:David Revoy
Game: Unknown

I like this because it shows different layers of the character, with the stages of  the uniforms.I think they should have  done a colour version on the weapon because the character is not  going to look right with a colour character and a sketch weapon as it would look half done.I do like the costume design as it  reminded me of the Ice Age era. The head shot shouldn't be in the  character sheet as it kinda    looks odd.

Link: http://vk.com/wall-48644006?offset=200
Game :Assainas 's creed

I like the design because of the  nice shading on the character and I like the boot as it  reminds me of the cowboy times.I like assassin's creeds but  I only played number 2 out  the  whole series but I did find liked call  of duty  because they always make random plot stories.
link : http://kehanettekicocuk.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/metal-gear-solid-4-master-art-works.html
By:Yoji Shinkawa
game MSG4

I found them funny because when the character dies  it sounded  like a chickens in the game .The character itself is a higher up soldier as they can  choke you to death in the  game.I think  there is  too much sketch on the character and you can't see much of the  detail itself.

link : http://pic5.duowan.com/tv/0910/118403454426/118405507490.jpg
by:Motamu toriyama
Game ;Final fantasy 13

Snow & lighting is one  of  my favourite characters out of Final Fantsay 13 because I found them badass and cool in the game.I also like how they show the sketch version of Lightning and snow and then the   animation version of Lighting and Snow.The annotation gives a lot  of detail on the character , even though it is in another language.
link: http://risachantag.deviantart.com/art/Freedom-Fall-The-Princess-307493504
By Risachantag
Games : Freedom Fall's

I'd say this is one of my favourite character sheets because it  shows  more detail on  the character and shows a lot of sketch work and then it is  exported into photoshop .The ruler techniques are nicely done, because it shows the  height of  each area of the character , as one  of them is a 2D  gaming design and the other is  like the real size of the character.
Link: http://www.academyart.edu/academics/game-development/undergraduate-degrees
By:Chris Haejin Chu
From: Bachelor Of Fine Arts (BFA) degree

I like this because it  reminds me of assassin's creeds  because the   layout of the  character makes it similar to the assassin's creed characters .I  like the weapon design because it shows  more detail. I   found it helpful for  those who have  been inspired to do a character sheet like this. I don't think they  should have  done  realistic  clothes on the side  because  its more of a gaming sheet  then a real -life fashion show.

Link: http://amales.deviantart.com/art/LIGHTNING-RETURNS-FINAL-FANTASY-XIII-435513275
Game: Lighting Returns:Final Fantsay XII

I like this because  of the Lightening pattern designs  and  the clothes design. I think on the sketches they  should have made it  more Lightening like as the face structure  isn't the same as the actual character  because it is too narrow for her face  and lightening's legs look more cyborg like .

Link: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/290341507197269558/
by : Motamu toriyama
Game: Final Fantsay 13

I like this character sheet of Odin's Pegaess Form because  it is very detailed. I like how it has been  done in English translation  because it  helps me read through the annotations on Odin. I like how they sketch the  movements of Odin's legs into stages because it shows how they draw the legs before they animate into a game.
Cannot find link :/
By: Hideo Kojima
Game: Metal soild gear 4

The Dwarf Gecko  are small and annyoing  monsters in the game . This is a small version of Gecko and there is a bigger version of the  Gecko and it is called Goat Gecko (my nickname for it because it sounds like a goat ). The Dwaf Gecko are a  struggle to get off you because they are like blood sucking fish.

These are the MGS4 Version "Dwarf Gecko" these are more easy to defeat but if  they are  in a group then they are a pain . Theres also a Metal Gear Rising version but they are   easier than MGS4 version.They are  really creepy and funny.

I  like the sketches on the other page  beacuse it  shows a lot of great movement on the Dwarf Gecko.
By: Hideo Kojima
Game : Metal gear rising

I don't like mistral design but  I do like her personailty .The  mistral's design was a bit too much  for her and made it too easy for my liking. They  should have   made her  similar to the other boss's as they were diffcult in the game. I think they should have  changed Mistral's hair colour as I don't think it suited her.

Link : http://vk.com/wall-42880528_4344
By Hideo Kojima
Game Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance

I  hated everything about Sundower because he made  children his lab rats for his  own fun. I  like his  weapon as  I found it kind of  useful but it is slow to move around  because it is  heavy for a small Raiden. I like the colour combination as it makes the  villain very cool, but  nearly all the  villains are  wearing  red .The head shots are cool  but they  should had made more of a forward head shot for Sundower because it makes it more stylish.

By : Motamu toriyama
Game : Final Fanstay :XIII-2

I haven't got into this character yet because I'm still new to the game .I  like the design of the character as I foundit  cool and I like the detail of the  character.

Link: http://www.xboxlive.fr/news_affiche_20896.html
By:Hideo Kojima
Game :Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance

These are the soliders in the game and they are  faster ,stronger than normal cyborgs. My favourite designs are the big  ones because they  can fly and are very different. Sometimes they  just add different layers on the character.

Link: http://vk.com/wall-42880528_4344
By : Hideo Kojima
Game:Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance

I  like Jetstream Sam because he is one of my favouirtes boss's because I think he has a very sad backstory about him because of the way he left the message for raiden . This was sad because he wanted to change the world himself. I like the hand sketches because they show a lot  of detail as well with the feet.I like his sword better than raiden because its more effective .

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