Tuesday 22 March 2016

high school of the dead research 'm

link : http://www.readmanga.today/high-school-of-the-dead/1 (it as some explicit scene)

I enjoyed reading High School of the Dead, but they shouldn't put any nudes into it as in my opinion it ruins the manga and it is aimed more at zombie fans. It kind of reminds me of the Walking Dead because it had a similar  scene in the manga. I like the drawing of the characters as it suits  their back story a lot, as all have different past.

I have also watched the anime, but there is only one season and they should have a second season because it would give closure to the story and I was very  disappointed in this.  I feel that it left in the middle of the story and it does not make sense with the ending of the  manga.

If I want to create something  like this I would take out nudity and make it more aimed at the gorey side of the story and I would keep going to the end of the story.

 I used an app to read the manga, but it is no longer available, because government regulations killed it off.

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