Tuesday 21 June 2016

End year show (Gallery )

 Me winning award.
 Me with a pint of bitter with my work at the gallery.

My work on it owns in the  gallery.
how your work was displayed ?

I like the display layouts but I think they should have  made my work a bigger  size than A3 as it was kind of small and not many people can see my  artwork. They  should have people's names and email address for a future  employer who want to sign  them  up for their company .

how you felt about it.

I enjoy the show but I think it was a bit cramp in the room and should of extend the room a little bit more.I was surprised that I have got an award because I did not expect it which I am happy that I got the trophies  as it looks shiny and I will be polishing it a lot now.The award I got was the  most improved student.

Monday 13 June 2016

Bengal culture and history

The culture of West Bengal is an Indian Culture which has its origins in the Bengali literature, music, fine arts, drama and cinema. People of West Bengal share their cultural heritage with the neighbouring Bangladesh.

West Bengal, home to legendary preachers, poets, saints, singers, film-makers, sportsmen and academicians, was once the cultural capital of India. Political thought slowly interlaced its web in the heart of the easily influenced Bengali and everything else took a backseat. Growth was replaced by grafitti and songs by slogans! Years of rallies, 'bandhs' and 'hartals' have taken their toll - Kolkata, the capital city, is now a shade of its former arrogant, proud and elegant self. 
The state still holds the depth of the ‘Bhadralok’, the intelligent, sensitive and cultured Bengali who has a desire for attitude, literature, music, football and/or cricket depending on the season. The people of Bengal love their heroes...Sri Aurobindo and Sri Ramakrishna; Rabindra Nath Tagore, Mother Teresa and Amartya Sen; tennis’ Leander Paes, and cricketer Saurav Ganguly, nicknamed "the Prince of Kolkata" for his sterling performances on the field! Satyajit Ray, the film maker, have become identical with Bengal. The people are also great travellers. Go anywhere in the world, be it off-season in Leh or Christmas in Montreal - there are bound to be Bengalis around. The social fabric is ranked and patriarchy is still the focal point of general family life.

trunks sword

Trunk is a dragon ball character who as came from the future and he carries  his  sword which he got he   from Taipon  which as been shown in  13 movies. I did not like the  story plot but  I did like the    fighting  scene as I enjoy seeing Goku fight in which he developed a  new move which I enjoyed in the  movie . I do like trunks sword because it  looks like it been very  detailed. I like how  Trunks handles the sword as he holds it  like a  branch .I would like to own a sword like Trunks  but I would probably  drop the sword  and stab my foot with the sword.
Link for the image : http://gopixdatabase.com/trunks+sword+ebay
Video of my research : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQIJ8VzxLls

Thursday 9 June 2016

page 3

Black and white version : I think it makes a comic look cool and really detailed which makes it look like a good  manga page. The details in backgrounds are really good and they are  reflecting the comic really well. I have missed one speech bubble  of one of the zombies. The SFX(sound effects) could have been done a lot better for the  fonts. I had used the  desiderata  tool in Photoshop   which has been changed into black and white .
Colour:  It shows a differnet    emotion  from the other 2 pages. The  colour of the sky could have been done a lot  better as it  looks more  like a sea  then a sky.  The green part in the sky is supposed to be rocks which should been same colour as the wall colour.The  blending tool  should have made  it a lot better.  I have  really improved  on my last comic.

page 3 development

 This is my sketch on my  last page. This is my rough  sketch before I have developed my drawing onto a  graphic tablet.I have used my  sketch book,pencils, metal ruler  and some fabric colors which are good but if I had time to use them more I think it would look better.I  used  a  scanner to scan my work on a computer.
This is my outline  drawing.I have been  using  Adode illustrator to  draw out my sketch again which I have been  using a graphic tablet for my drawing. I have been moving  class rooms and  I did find it  peaceful for me to my work on.The border has taken some of the room on my sketches but thats how it happens..... . I have used a pencil tool.
This is when I colour  my 3 sections and then I  colored them in which has made  it a lot more detailed. I have got used a filling layer tool after one week which is  difficult tool to use. I love the sun design  in section 3 .I have used a  different brush tool for the sun  which was called a Wet Sponge which is likes  a blends brush. It did go  well with my designs but I wish I could have  used the tool  on my previous work.  I  am  glad that I  found it out  and now I'm going use this brush tool  in  the future.
 I have finished coloring section  4 & 5. it is making progress on the page, I  thought it was  not going to  work  but it looks a really cool design and I like the eye effect more. I have used the same tools for my previous post but I did use the rubber tool to  rub out the  eyebrows so I could see it a lot better. I think the  blood should have  been done  a lot better on the  4th the section.
 I have finished my design on section 5th,6th,7th, part 8, & 9 are  really good. I did struggle on doing  my 7th because  I did not  know where the back of my characters feet were so I struggled figuring out where it is but I work around the problem. I also  noticed that I do good  toes even on 8th section they are both right footed. I  forget to add the bandages  which I had to add back on my character using photoshop as I didn't have Illustrator at home.  I like  the last section eye as it give the character an emotional feeling to him. I am beginning to like my page a  lot..
 The 9th section is coming along well and I like the blood effect on the zombie shirt as it shows two colour effects on the character. I've done the blood really well but  could improve on the blood a bit better . Tsuki (left character ) looks really good  and I need to improved my sideviews a lot more but I still need to practice which I am doing over half term for the next course.
 Section 9 has got a lot better as the background is added and I have used the dodging tool to make it a lot better too . I like the light and dark part which shows  two different sides of the story. I think the character have been  developed well in a short time.
This is my comic script and  it has been checkd and corrected by a Teacher assistant.I have created the speech bubbles in photoshop by  using the custom shape tool. It has more of a  variety than  CSS than  CS2.So I  had to wait  untill  I got back to college which took some time.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

page 2 finsh

Colour vison : The bubble speech in the last section on the zombies could have been   done a lot better as you cannot   see  much  of the text idea. It is  my fault and I should have fixed it up before I published it. .I think page 2  looks better  than page 1 designs as it has got a lot more detail in the designs which looks like I have improved each time I have drawn the comics.
Black and white version : I think  it has  made the blood  a lot more detailed  and it not showing up as much.

comic 2 development

This is my skeatch design on  page 2.I have  used a pencils,ruler and rubber to  design my comic page. I have designed it by  myself  as I didn't use any template for this. I am proud of  my work because its how I  developed from  just 4  years ago as that was when I   started drawing manga. I would like to  still  carry on drawing because in want to get better in drawing my own characters.

 I did my  comic pages  in CC Illustrator  which is a lot easier to use.The software has  helped me draw my ideas on the computer but if I did it in Photoshop it would look like a big mess which would have caused some  trouble. I think it looks a lot   better then the  original drawing  as I have been improving on in my design.The outlines will be colored in photoshop which would  makes it more  easier for me  to colour in the border of the comic .In illustrator I only used tools like  pencil  & the Lining  because they were   the only tools I needed.. 
I have done my  sketch on illustrator which looks better.Now I  have  started colour the page  in Photoshop which I found it easier then using illustrator to  color my comic page. The first 3 section on my page  has been colored in.I do  like the zombie as it is the best character I added colour in my comic page    not in the  other 2. I have been  using the fill layer tool which is like a solid based colour tool, before  I used the  brush tool to make a some shading for the character so they would look more detailed. I have used  different brush techniques for the shading in the characters. I have used the  burning tools and dodging tools  so  I could make  more  detail on  my  characters & backgrounds designs. I then  used the  blurring tool so I could blend them with my characters design so the rest of them didn't look like as if they were  too solid . I did struggle on the first section because I did not know how to  make it gorey looking but I did figure it out by playing around with  the colors .
This is when I started coloring in my final scene before going on to the 3rd page.It looks like the characters are coming alive which is very cool to look at.I do like how I  shaded in  the characters as it makes  it  look manga like.I have used the  same tools on the  picture before this stage. I did struggle with the lines being missing on my page which was a stressful job to overcome and I did find away around it.

I have finished my zombie and the other main characters which have made them look more alive. The background has made it look like my character  as been split in half but it is  the first half of  the background idea. .I did not struggle with anything on this part  because  I was starting to learn about the   tools.

full comic page 1

  This is my  black and white version of my comic design. I did it in black and white because  I want to see  how my comic looks  and I was wondering which one  has the most  detail on the comic design. I think  black & white for younger viewers but  not for the  older viewers. I added text by using the  text tool in photoshop. It did not have very good font techniques because they where boring to me but I did find a website that did fonts but you  had to pay for the fonts and I only  wanted  a free sample.I had my  grammer checked by  a tutor  which helped made my poster to look better.
I do have a development page but I did it on different blog because it would not fit on my other blog so my two fianl comics had to be on different blog page .To read the comic I will be looking at my artwork so i can improve on my drawing skills a bit more..

Thursday 19 May 2016

colur platten for character skin colour

By: Costlonga

I will be  using  these colour platters because it is hard to  find the right colour for the skin tone on photoshop as I can make it too bright pink or a weird  white grayish colour  which wouldn't look good for my characters design.  I will be using  these skin tone colour platters, I can get the  right skin tone  colors for my characters.

rosa meaning

Red means:Love,beauty,courage and respect love, Congratulation " I love you " job well done ", sincere love ,respect, courage
Dark red:Unconscious Beauty
red (single) : " I love you "
Deep Burgundy: Unconscious Beauty
white: Purity Innocence, secrecy, Reverence, Humility, youthfulness , " I am worthy of you "  and heavenly
White (Bridal) : Happy love
Pink: Appreciation, "Thank you ", Grace , perfect happiness, admiration, gentleness, " please believe me"
Dark pink : Appreciation, gratitude , " thank you"
light pink :Admiration,Sympathy,Gentleness,grace,gladness,joy ,Sweetness.
yellow : Joy, Gladness, friendship, delight , the promise of the new beginning, welcome back, remember me, jealousy , I care
Yellow with red tip :Friendship, falling in love
orange: desire, enthusiasm
red and white : Given together, these signify unity

red and yellow : Jovial and happy feelings
Peach : Appreciation , closing the deal, Let's get together , sincerity , gratitude
pale peach : Modesty
coral : the desire
Lavender : Love at first sight , Enchantment
Black ; death and farewell
blue : The unattainable , the impossible
single - Any colour : Simplicity gratitude

Red rosebud : Symbolic of purity and loveliness
white rosebud : Symbolic of girlhood
thorn-less rose : Love at first sight

Link: http://www.rkdn.org/roses/colors.asp

Wednesday 18 May 2016

stroy for the comic

first page :
Tsuki : No way out of this. By the looks of it, I'm going to die in this stupid world.
Surya: Not with me around little punk.Lets team up and defeats these corpse. What ever your name is?
Zombies: GRAWLSS!!!
Tsuki: Name's is Tsuki, but you're to weak for me and I like to be alone, so I don't lose to the dead.I will defeat every zombie on earth, even you're  in heaven, I will still defeat you. You're not gonna  run or hide   from me maggot as I will send you to hell. My bow is full of death and the black rose will make you my 89 Victim, You shall perish in hell. My score is rising and the earth will be mine.

Middle page:
Surya:Nice try but it doesn't work on me unless you have  brain or two Zombie.
Tsuki: No can defeat Surya beside me, dead waste.
Zombie: GRAWLLL!!!!
Tsuki: ananananananana take that and go to hell with your little friends.
Surya: sorry tomato, but my life come first.

end page
Zombie: warahaha
Tsuki: Damn it. Surya let get out of here alive even if ,we against a thousand
Surya: No tsuki this time you go and brings humanity back. You are going to meet new people, but this worlds is full of lost and untrustworthy people, but let storm bring back the peace
Tsuki : WHY,WHY,WHY?!. Did you after die for me .

Monday 9 May 2016

my design ideas, before deciding

 I have asked  people in the class, which one is  good and which one should form together into one piece.

1st : 3
3rd: 2
3rd: 3

I think  going  to mix  1 and 6 together as it would look cooler.
I only  liked 1,2 and 4 as other draws wasn't that good as it could of done a lot better .

on this one 1 and 4 got the most votes , but 1 wins out of it.

Thursday 5 May 2016

character detail and comic Title

Frist name :Surya ( mean sun in  Bengail )
secound name: Ombro ( Mean shadow in Esperanto)
Age: 20
D.O.B: 25/7/2096
Gender : Male
hieght:5 ft 9 in
Wieght:15 stone
Weapon: Sword
like: chocolate,wind,lions
Dslike:Zombies,Untrustworlthy people
How many kills: 39
 b.i.o: Surya was born in Bengail but is mother Esperanto who moved to the UK by the age of 3. when he was 5 his parnets was killed by zombies  who turn them against him while he cryed and screamed for help when a Lion and man killed his partents  with a grin on the faces.Ever scince that day  Surya been travling  UK untill he was 12 years old ,when the man sacfirce himself from the zombies by letting Surya left the contury to Japan as it throught was safe.
Personilty : Stubbon,cheerful ,short-temper

Frist Name:Tsuki
Secound Name:Smith
D.O.B: 13/6/2098
gENDER : Male
hieght: 3ft 9 in
Wieght:8 stone
Weopon: Bow arrow
Likes:Rice and meat .Rain,wolf
Dislike: Zombies,Surya and being weak
How many kills: 99
B.I.O : Tsuki is half Japanese and britsh boy  when zombies bitten both his parnter Tsuki killed them with a knife when he cried with pain and then he strated slaughter 15 zombie untill he collpase when dog saved him and dragged him out of danger.when  Tsuki was 12 he  started killing zombie from his  home ,when put arrow on Surya neck what nearly killed him.Tsuki then became rivals and parnter killing all zombie on earth.
personilty : Insane, unfeared,strong,

Titel: The beast vs Zombie Apcolpse

3 weeks sceduale

green: complete work
Orange: hoilday/insects

Wednesday 4 May 2016

background primary reserch

This is near Top veally supermarket shop tescos and I throught this is good place  where zombie would hide out because it look like that kind of place but I don't think bin would be good c because you might get a bin eatting you instead.
This is burnt building up radford bulvord and it the old  University building what been burnt down scene last year . This is creepy and abadons so it make good zombie poster but I'm drawing mine because I am more artist person then a photograpthy person.
This is Tesco delivery vans parking and it remined me of epsiode from The Walking Dead .

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Horror and dark illstartion and grapthic

by:Da Valentina Di Martino
I like this background of the tree branches  behind the logo which have  made it a lot  creepier which  gives it a  dark feeling towards this piece of work. I think it  should have  been done in a different colour then the  titles look as if  they are  connected together. They need to make the shadows more  3D ish  because it looks too plain.
by:bottomless pit
I like this drawing a lot because of the  details and  the  coloring idea which fits with the artwork .I think it is representing a  grim reaper because of the skeleton in this sketch idea. I do like the glowing eyes in the grim reapers eyes because it makes it a really dark and spooky sketch. I don't think there is anything wrong with the artwork.
Link :https://www.behance.net/bebber
By:Federico Bebber
I like the  females skin  which as  a lot of detail on her which I like about the  picture .I think it has  been edited on Photoshop   because of some blurriness on the  cracked skin  which has made  it look as it has   been done in  Photoshop .The  nose part look  shiny, as if it has  been done  using the levels and the curves tools so  it could have  made it more detail.

This poster looks very old because of the style idea but I do find this artwork  really  unique and I think it was made in the early 70s because the colour designs  make it  looks more  detailed than it was from the  50s . I like the idea of this zombie theme  but I like the virus theme  better  because I think it has a better story-line than the one raising  from the grave stroyline.

Links http://www.vgblogger.com/monster-madness-grave-danger-date-change-new-screens-and-art/3039/
looks like the character has been  drawn in illustrator and been colored in Photoshop. I found this character very as  it is different from   the blood and gore  type of zombies.This zombie looks like it is  aimed at kids more than  it is aimed at adult and teenagers .The shading looks  really good but could  have put more highlights on the characters design.

By:Charlie Hintz
I think this looks   spooky but they are  very cute because of the little characters are  standing next to the slogans. This is advertising  for  a website and  I do not know what  is it  about but I guess it has something to do with the  Halloween season  as the themes does remind  me of that season.

wepon design research

link: http://www.paperhi.com/Toplist_Best_311/download_2560x1440

I like this weopon because  it shows a really  good  detail on the bowing and  arrow . I like the golden and black colour of the weapon because it makes it is a  really nice weopon  .It looks like it is hard to draw as  the detail it  self as been through out .
link: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/332281278732661916/
saved by :Macaulay Hayward

I like the styles of the weapon because it show of the artist  skills and technique on the  weapons designs.I like the 1st,4th,5th,7th,8th and 9th because of the detail of the sword  is very uniequie  with the shading.It makes the  swords had more  detail more to  it. I don't like the 10th sword  because it is kind of messy and I think it should of  been on the sword.
Link :http://annieleonhardt109.deviantart.com/art/Silent-hill-oc-Annie-592332014
By:Reki Kawahara

I like the way it  shows the  exstended version  of the swords and I  love the detail but the left  sword looks like a final fanstay xii 's logo design  and I do like it because it is very differnet from the other swords.I like the shading of the sword as it show a lot of  detail  of the sword but on the left side of the sword  they shouldn't had it in white shading has the Artists   could of done it in a  lighter grey beacuse it is  more of a sword colour .

By:Wen -M

The 1st and 2nd sword as been anntateded above so I wont be doing them.I like the middle sword  because it as a really cool  colour combinations but they could have done the highlights more better because it is kinda of messy and should of been netter with the main part of the sword.
I like the red  sword o because it is a glowy  colur  but they should of added more a dark puple to the sword  because I feel it is lacking on the  dark shades.I don't like the yellow on the  sword as  it is not my kind of  a colour for a sword.
Save by: img.neoseeker.com
I like these bow and arrow because of the style of thoes  weapons and I like the  shading  on the weopon as it is  really neat. I feel like should be on a display because they are  so cool another to be on  a dsiplay.The 3rd bow remind me of a pokemon.

Link: https://xamhinhnghethuatdep.wordpress.com/2016/03/05/hinh-xam-mui-ten-doc-song-lung/
by: Michael Hussar,into a  leaf  .You could of used it to send messenger to people .I think the arrow it self should of  been equal length  because it is a bit of sided arrow and could  of done it  a lot better.
link : http://game-weapons.tumblr.com/post/13603195974/rough-concept-sketch-of-bayonettas-signature

By ;Bayonettas

I like  these guns because the are really good designs for a gun . The 5th gun should of  been sketched better because it looks messy and  it is missing some sketches on the gun.I like the 4th gun better because the leaf makes look like it is  growing out  of the gun and it is a really cool design.They shouldn't made the handel white becauces it should have been done in a  burgnay colour so it looks more contected to the weapon.
Link: http://indulgy.com/post/YirBO9V6H2/illustrated-arrows
By : sharene
I like the designs idea of  the arrows but I think they should  of made the arrow  more flat  in my opioin .On he 3rd arrow onthe right is nice with the black and white idea but  they should of not done a  blue colur leaf as it  doesn't suit with the  arrow idea. The 1st arrow  looks like it as been rushed throught because it is not a straight  arrow  and should of  used a ruler on photoshop.The ruler is  there to help people with the stright lines .The middle sword looks better but  there is a big bum what is kind of bothering me as it looks disconnected.
By: Xin sister

I like the swords ideas but I  would love to see it in colour because it be a different  colour from just a grey coloured swords.I like the 4 th sword the most because the detail is like a angel design  and it been thought out well.

link :http://www.belagoria.com/2009/09/disenos-de-dagas.html
Artist: Unknown

I like this dagger because of the   snake  grabbing the handle on the dagger.It looks  like the snake  owns the dagger and I think it is a cursed blade because  of the  snake is looking at you  .I think it should have  a colour version.

Link : https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/106122806775269615411
By:Brian Harris
I found theses sword amazing becauase of the  lace hanging of the  handeled. The colours fit well with the weapon. The secound one should had remove the pencil mark as I can still see it.


The design idea reminds me of zedla  because of the logo what goes onto the shiled.I think they  should of done the blade bigger because it is small and cannot see much  detail on it.The shading makes the weapon more 3D kinda think

Horror/Gothic fonts


I like the dragon style fonts as it make look like a game of  throne kind of theme . I would do this fro my idea because it would make it too much for the characters.

 Link: http://www.flutewind.com/photoxvns/tattoo-writing-styles-old-english

I do like these fonts as they are really cool and they are different kind of fonts which are from the old Victorian time kind of text .It does remind me of  anime called Black Butler because they had smilar kinds of font ideas.I would like to  use this kind of font for my poster title because it makes my final piece more creepier.

Link: http://www.identifont.com/similar?NOH
by:Hubert Jocham

I like these fonts styles because they are a more  flexible  kind of font that looks easy to do if you took your time,but if you rush the font style  it would be hard to do. I would not like to do this style as it be more of a relaxed  font for my poster idea.