Thursday 9 June 2016

page 3 development

 This is my sketch on my  last page. This is my rough  sketch before I have developed my drawing onto a  graphic tablet.I have used my  sketch book,pencils, metal ruler  and some fabric colors which are good but if I had time to use them more I think it would look better.I  used  a  scanner to scan my work on a computer.
This is my outline  drawing.I have been  using  Adode illustrator to  draw out my sketch again which I have been  using a graphic tablet for my drawing. I have been moving  class rooms and  I did find it  peaceful for me to my work on.The border has taken some of the room on my sketches but thats how it happens..... . I have used a pencil tool.
This is when I colour  my 3 sections and then I  colored them in which has made  it a lot more detailed. I have got used a filling layer tool after one week which is  difficult tool to use. I love the sun design  in section 3 .I have used a  different brush tool for the sun  which was called a Wet Sponge which is likes  a blends brush. It did go  well with my designs but I wish I could have  used the tool  on my previous work.  I  am  glad that I  found it out  and now I'm going use this brush tool  in  the future.
 I have finished coloring section  4 & 5. it is making progress on the page, I  thought it was  not going to  work  but it looks a really cool design and I like the eye effect more. I have used the same tools for my previous post but I did use the rubber tool to  rub out the  eyebrows so I could see it a lot better. I think the  blood should have  been done  a lot better on the  4th the section.
 I have finished my design on section 5th,6th,7th, part 8, & 9 are  really good. I did struggle on doing  my 7th because  I did not  know where the back of my characters feet were so I struggled figuring out where it is but I work around the problem. I also  noticed that I do good  toes even on 8th section they are both right footed. I  forget to add the bandages  which I had to add back on my character using photoshop as I didn't have Illustrator at home.  I like  the last section eye as it give the character an emotional feeling to him. I am beginning to like my page a  lot..
 The 9th section is coming along well and I like the blood effect on the zombie shirt as it shows two colour effects on the character. I've done the blood really well but  could improve on the blood a bit better . Tsuki (left character ) looks really good  and I need to improved my sideviews a lot more but I still need to practice which I am doing over half term for the next course.
 Section 9 has got a lot better as the background is added and I have used the dodging tool to make it a lot better too . I like the light and dark part which shows  two different sides of the story. I think the character have been  developed well in a short time.
This is my comic script and  it has been checkd and corrected by a Teacher assistant.I have created the speech bubbles in photoshop by  using the custom shape tool. It has more of a  variety than  CSS than  CS2.So I  had to wait  untill  I got back to college which took some time.

1 comment:

  1. A very thorough and detailed account of your development, your work is very strong and you have a very clear understanding of your process, be sure to proof read your annotations.
