Monday 13 June 2016

Bengal culture and history

The culture of West Bengal is an Indian Culture which has its origins in the Bengali literature, music, fine arts, drama and cinema. People of West Bengal share their cultural heritage with the neighbouring Bangladesh.

West Bengal, home to legendary preachers, poets, saints, singers, film-makers, sportsmen and academicians, was once the cultural capital of India. Political thought slowly interlaced its web in the heart of the easily influenced Bengali and everything else took a backseat. Growth was replaced by grafitti and songs by slogans! Years of rallies, 'bandhs' and 'hartals' have taken their toll - Kolkata, the capital city, is now a shade of its former arrogant, proud and elegant self. 
The state still holds the depth of the ‘Bhadralok’, the intelligent, sensitive and cultured Bengali who has a desire for attitude, literature, music, football and/or cricket depending on the season. The people of Bengal love their heroes...Sri Aurobindo and Sri Ramakrishna; Rabindra Nath Tagore, Mother Teresa and Amartya Sen; tennis’ Leander Paes, and cricketer Saurav Ganguly, nicknamed "the Prince of Kolkata" for his sterling performances on the field! Satyajit Ray, the film maker, have become identical with Bengal. The people are also great travellers. Go anywhere in the world, be it off-season in Leh or Christmas in Montreal - there are bound to be Bengalis around. The social fabric is ranked and patriarchy is still the focal point of general family life.

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