Wednesday 8 June 2016

comic 2 development

This is my skeatch design on  page 2.I have  used a pencils,ruler and rubber to  design my comic page. I have designed it by  myself  as I didn't use any template for this. I am proud of  my work because its how I  developed from  just 4  years ago as that was when I   started drawing manga. I would like to  still  carry on drawing because in want to get better in drawing my own characters.

 I did my  comic pages  in CC Illustrator  which is a lot easier to use.The software has  helped me draw my ideas on the computer but if I did it in Photoshop it would look like a big mess which would have caused some  trouble. I think it looks a lot   better then the  original drawing  as I have been improving on in my design.The outlines will be colored in photoshop which would  makes it more  easier for me  to colour in the border of the comic .In illustrator I only used tools like  pencil  & the Lining  because they were   the only tools I needed.. 
I have done my  sketch on illustrator which looks better.Now I  have  started colour the page  in Photoshop which I found it easier then using illustrator to  color my comic page. The first 3 section on my page  has been colored in.I do  like the zombie as it is the best character I added colour in my comic page    not in the  other 2. I have been  using the fill layer tool which is like a solid based colour tool, before  I used the  brush tool to make a some shading for the character so they would look more detailed. I have used  different brush techniques for the shading in the characters. I have used the  burning tools and dodging tools  so  I could make  more  detail on  my  characters & backgrounds designs. I then  used the  blurring tool so I could blend them with my characters design so the rest of them didn't look like as if they were  too solid . I did struggle on the first section because I did not know how to  make it gorey looking but I did figure it out by playing around with  the colors .
This is when I started coloring in my final scene before going on to the 3rd page.It looks like the characters are coming alive which is very cool to look at.I do like how I  shaded in  the characters as it makes  it  look manga like.I have used the  same tools on the  picture before this stage. I did struggle with the lines being missing on my page which was a stressful job to overcome and I did find away around it.

I have finished my zombie and the other main characters which have made them look more alive. The background has made it look like my character  as been split in half but it is  the first half of  the background idea. .I did not struggle with anything on this part  because  I was starting to learn about the   tools.

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