Thursday 9 June 2016

page 3

Black and white version : I think it makes a comic look cool and really detailed which makes it look like a good  manga page. The details in backgrounds are really good and they are  reflecting the comic really well. I have missed one speech bubble  of one of the zombies. The SFX(sound effects) could have been done a lot better for the  fonts. I had used the  desiderata  tool in Photoshop   which has been changed into black and white .
Colour:  It shows a differnet    emotion  from the other 2 pages. The  colour of the sky could have been done a lot  better as it  looks more  like a sea  then a sky.  The green part in the sky is supposed to be rocks which should been same colour as the wall colour.The  blending tool  should have made  it a lot better.  I have  really improved  on my last comic.

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