Thursday 5 May 2016

character detail and comic Title

Frist name :Surya ( mean sun in  Bengail )
secound name: Ombro ( Mean shadow in Esperanto)
Age: 20
D.O.B: 25/7/2096
Gender : Male
hieght:5 ft 9 in
Wieght:15 stone
Weapon: Sword
like: chocolate,wind,lions
Dslike:Zombies,Untrustworlthy people
How many kills: 39
 b.i.o: Surya was born in Bengail but is mother Esperanto who moved to the UK by the age of 3. when he was 5 his parnets was killed by zombies  who turn them against him while he cryed and screamed for help when a Lion and man killed his partents  with a grin on the faces.Ever scince that day  Surya been travling  UK untill he was 12 years old ,when the man sacfirce himself from the zombies by letting Surya left the contury to Japan as it throught was safe.
Personilty : Stubbon,cheerful ,short-temper

Frist Name:Tsuki
Secound Name:Smith
D.O.B: 13/6/2098
gENDER : Male
hieght: 3ft 9 in
Wieght:8 stone
Weopon: Bow arrow
Likes:Rice and meat .Rain,wolf
Dislike: Zombies,Surya and being weak
How many kills: 99
B.I.O : Tsuki is half Japanese and britsh boy  when zombies bitten both his parnter Tsuki killed them with a knife when he cried with pain and then he strated slaughter 15 zombie untill he collpase when dog saved him and dragged him out of danger.when  Tsuki was 12 he  started killing zombie from his  home ,when put arrow on Surya neck what nearly killed him.Tsuki then became rivals and parnter killing all zombie on earth.
personilty : Insane, unfeared,strong,

Titel: The beast vs Zombie Apcolpse

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