Thursday 19 May 2016

colur platten for character skin colour

By: Costlonga

I will be  using  these colour platters because it is hard to  find the right colour for the skin tone on photoshop as I can make it too bright pink or a weird  white grayish colour  which wouldn't look good for my characters design.  I will be using  these skin tone colour platters, I can get the  right skin tone  colors for my characters.

1 comment:

  1. You mention that your first character is from Bengal. Maybe you could conduct some more research and look into the background of this culture and surrounding cultures regarding the skin colour. However, it is important to think about diversity of cultures in any one place. Seeing as your character was born in late 2090's your character from Bengali could have Italian ancestors, that could change the colour of the characters skin.

    You also mention that the second character is of Japanese and British descent. You could also research the integration of these cultures.

    This research could inform the decision you make on the colour of your characters skin.
