Wednesday 13 April 2016

wepon design research


I like this weopon because  it shows a really  good  detail on the bowing and  arrow . I like the golden and black colour of the weapon because it makes it is a  really nice weopon  .It looks like it is hard to draw as  the detail it  self as been through out .
saved by :Macaulay Hayward

I like the styles of the weapon because it show of the artist  skills and technique on the  weapons designs.I like the 1st,4th,5th,7th,8th and 9th because of the detail of the sword  is very uniequie  with the shading.It makes the  swords had more  detail more to  it. I don't like the 10th sword  because it is kind of messy and I think it should of  been on the sword.
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By:Reki Kawahara

I like the way it  shows the  exstended version  of the swords and I  love the detail but the left  sword looks like a final fanstay xii 's logo design  and I do like it because it is very differnet from the other swords.I like the shading of the sword as it show a lot of  detail  of the sword but on the left side of the sword  they shouldn't had it in white shading has the Artists   could of done it in a  lighter grey beacuse it is  more of a sword colour .

By:Wen -M

The 1st and 2nd sword as been anntateded above so I wont be doing them.I like the middle sword  because it as a really cool  colour combinations but they could have done the highlights more better because it is kinda of messy and should of been netter with the main part of the sword.
I like the red  sword o because it is a glowy  colur  but they should of added more a dark puple to the sword  because I feel it is lacking on the  dark shades.I don't like the yellow on the  sword as  it is not my kind of  a colour for a sword.
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I like these bow and arrow because of the style of thoes  weapons and I like the  shading  on the weopon as it is  really neat. I feel like should be on a display because they are  so cool another to be on  a dsiplay.The 3rd bow remind me of a pokemon.

by: Michael Hussar,into a  leaf  .You could of used it to send messenger to people .I think the arrow it self should of  been equal length  because it is a bit of sided arrow and could  of done it  a lot better.
link :

By ;Bayonettas

I like  these guns because the are really good designs for a gun . The 5th gun should of  been sketched better because it looks messy and  it is missing some sketches on the gun.I like the 4th gun better because the leaf makes look like it is  growing out  of the gun and it is a really cool design.They shouldn't made the handel white becauces it should have been done in a  burgnay colour so it looks more contected to the weapon.
By : sharene
I like the designs idea of  the arrows but I think they should  of made the arrow  more flat  in my opioin .On he 3rd arrow onthe right is nice with the black and white idea but  they should of not done a  blue colur leaf as it  doesn't suit with the  arrow idea. The 1st arrow  looks like it as been rushed throught because it is not a straight  arrow  and should of  used a ruler on photoshop.The ruler is  there to help people with the stright lines .The middle sword looks better but  there is a big bum what is kind of bothering me as it looks disconnected.
By: Xin sister

I like the swords ideas but I  would love to see it in colour because it be a different  colour from just a grey coloured swords.I like the 4 th sword the most because the detail is like a angel design  and it been thought out well.

link :
Artist: Unknown

I like this dagger because of the   snake  grabbing the handle on the dagger.It looks  like the snake  owns the dagger and I think it is a cursed blade because  of the  snake is looking at you  .I think it should have  a colour version.

Link :
By:Brian Harris
I found theses sword amazing becauase of the  lace hanging of the  handeled. The colours fit well with the weapon. The secound one should had remove the pencil mark as I can still see it.


The design idea reminds me of zedla  because of the logo what goes onto the shiled.I think they  should of done the blade bigger because it is small and cannot see much  detail on it.The shading makes the weapon more 3D kinda think

1 comment:

  1. you are making some very clear references here! Great stuff.
